Entertainment Affair

“¡Enterate! ...con McConnie” TV Show Ready for Distribution

by EAStaff | July 22, 2013

Latino TV show host and producer Carlos McConnie recently wrapped filming in Hollywood for his new TV show, ¡Entérate! ...con McConnie.

¡Entérate! ...con McConnie, is an entertainment program focusing on prominent Latino celebrities and will feature a series of compelling and in-depth interviews. Guests for the pilot episode include Esai Morales –award winning actor and current nominee for president of The Screen Actors Guild- who reveals his hardships prior to reaching success in Hollywood, discusses the negative stereotypes of Latinos in the USA and jokes about his eating habits. Other guests are Victoria Ortiz, Mexican regional music artist, and Argentinian born actress Veronica Milagros.

Carlos McConnie disclosed that “In an age where personal scandals have overshadowed the actual entertainment as content, I have come-up with a more playful concept for my interviews. I trust that audiences both in Latin America and stateside will welcome this style. My goal is to show the human aspect of celebrity life and share fun facts that don’t usually come across in traditional TV interviews.”

Creator and host, Carlos McConnie, is well known for his work with Univison, hosting Flashazo VIP, as guest commentator on Sal y Pimienta, as guest judge for the Puerto Rican auditions of Nuestra Belleza Latina, as guest host of Escándalo TV, and as presenter on MTV Puerto Rico. McConnie, a celebrity in his native Puerto Rico, has been transitioning into writing, producing and directing for TV and film upon his recent arrival in Los Angeles.

¡Entérate! … con McConnie’s debut episode will soon be available while the rest of the season is in full production phase. Several meetings have already been set-up with some of the television networks and web based outlets that have expressed interest in the possibility of picking-up the series.


McConnie & Esai Morales Entérate 2

Host & Producer, Carlos McConnie; and Award Winning Actor Esai Morales


McConnie & Victoria Ortiz Entérate

Mexican regional music star, Victoria Ortiz “La Mala”; and Host & Producer, Carlos McConnie


McConnie & Veronica Milagros Entérate

Argentinian actress, Veronica Milagros; and Host & Producer, Carlos McConnie